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庆贺D.C. Judges, Welcomes New President-Elect Higuchi at Judicial Reception



雪莉·安·樋口At its annual Judicial Reception on September 30, the 酒吧 Association of the District of Columbia (BADC) welcomed 雪莉·安·樋口 as its president-elect for 2024–2025, the first Asian American to hold the position in the organization’s 153-year history.

The BADC also honored six District judges who have retired or are taking senior status: Jennifer M. 约翰·安德森. 坎贝尔,安妮塔·乔西-赫林,彼得·A. 克劳瑟默和海拉姆. D的普格-卢戈.C. 高等法院和Beryl A. 美国的豪厄尔.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

在她的评论中, Higuchi said that the District stands out for having “the best judges ever,,称赞他们“诚实”, 勤劳的, 道德, 聪明的, 并提交.”

“这种情况并非随处可见. 所以,我认为D.C. is an example, and I’m proud to be a part of that example,” added Higuchi, who served as D.C. 2003-2004年担任靠谱的滚球平台协会主席.

Earlier in the evening, BADC President Rawle Andrews Jr. said a society is only just when its judiciary is “independent, 全速运转, 并且能够保护, 保存, and defend the Constitution and rule of law.”

Andrews touched upon the ongoing judicial vacancy problem in the D.C. 法院 that continues to increase the caseloads of many sitting judges and to cause delays in court proceedings. Nevertheless, Andrews saluted the judges for their indefatigable commitment to justice.

“We can never say thank you too many times for knowing that you’re overworked and, 在很多情况下, 被低估了,安德鲁斯说.

In her speech, Josey-Herring said her 27 years working in D.C. 担任高等法院副法官, 家事法庭首席法官, and Superior Court’s first woman chief judge has been “a labor of love.”

“这种关系很难打破,乔西-赫林说, whose four-year term as chief judge ended on September 30. “但我要继续前进. I think there are so many fantastic judges on the court that you all will make it even better than it has ever been. And that gives me a great deal of solace.”

The event also welcomed 14 new judges: D.C. Superior Court Magistrate Judges Meti Abebe, Melanie A. Acuña, Risa Berkower, Robert J. Hildum, 和大卫·里希特, as well as Associate Judges Tanya Jones Bosier, 丹尼林阮, 艾德丽安J. 不是,凯瑟琳·E. Charles J. 小威洛比., and Judith Pipe; U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Judge Loren L. AliKhan; U.S. 联邦索赔法院法官罗宾. Meriweather; and new Superior Court Chief Judge Milton C. 李小.

Lee said one of the most comforting things he discovered going into his new role as chief judge was the “incredible amount of support” that he didn’t know he had. “That gives me the ability to feel good about the challenges that are coming,” Lee said.

“I know how hard you work during the course of the day. But I need you back at work tomorrow,” Lee said to the judges in attendance. “I look forward to working with each and every one of you over the next four years.”




Comment on Reappointment of Court of Appeals Judge Glickman

D.C. Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure invites comments on the qualifications and fitness of Judge Stephen Glickman, who is applying for reappointment to a two-year term as senior judge upon expiration of his current term on December 20.



D.C. 法院 Seek Input on Limited Legal Services Providers

To help ease the gap in access to justice, the D.C. 法院’ Civil Legal Regulatory Reform Task Force is investigating a new approach — allowing people who are not lawyers, but who have sufficient qualifications and training, to provide limited legal services in certain areas of the law where there are high rates of pro se litigants (such as family, 住房, 消费者, 和遗嘱认证法).
